Monday 7 November 2016

Group Plot Synopsis - Second

GENRE: Social media

TARGET AUDIENCE: 15-20 year olds (Mainly female)

TODAYS FEARS: Social media is taking over and 17 year olds nowadays tend to put their life on Facebook, Twitter etc. Many teenage girls share the fears of having their image destroyed by someone on social media, knowing it’s undeletable.


In Abergavenny, sixth form students Sarah, Jake, Katie and Noah are best friends, living typical lives of 17 year olds. They spend both their social and school lives together, attending house parties and even sticking together during detentions after school. The friends are in a group chat, planning a night out for Noah’s 18th birthday, making comments about how he’ll be getting served alcohol for the rest of them as they will still be underage. Typical of youngsters, they start discussing humorous drunken stories and send embarrassing photos of each other into the group chat which they all laugh about. The discussion continues and an ‘Anonymous’ user enters the group chat, however, the group are unaware of this.  Photos are shared on a Facebook page of Sarah and Jake holding hands and cuddling in public.  However, they’re unaware of this until Noah discovers them on an unusual account that had recently added him.  Noah sends the photos to the group chat and Sarah is embarrassed and accuses Jake of uploading them.  Jake denies it and the group become uncomfortable that someone has been taking photos of them and posting them online.

Minutes later, Sarah, Jake, Katie and Noah get an alert that someone has posted into the group chat.  Sarah opens the chat to find that the anonymous user that uploaded the image of her onto its Facebook page has somehow entered the chat and sent the group an image with a message saying ‘How’s the diet going, Katie?’.  Sarah clicks the image to see it clearly and discovers a print screen of an email to Katie from the local doctor’s surgery asking her to attend her next session at Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to talk about effective ways of treating her bulimia.  Katie had not yet discussed this issue with her friends as she was too embarrassed and didn’t want to know as an attention seeker.  The rest of the group open the chat and Katie posts a message, embarrassed, asking who this anonymous user is.

Jake immediately calls the group on a video conference call, they all answer to him asking what is going on.  Katie is upset by what seems to be her secret being released.  She explains her situation knowing her friends have her back and will help her through it.  Sarah kindly offers to attend her next therapy session with her and Katie agrees. 

An alert for the group chat then alarms, a recent video is received of Jake at a party with a girl who’s yet to be identified.  The video shows Jake stood outside of a bedroom and leading into, it also catches him talking to the female about how they can’t let his girlfriend, Sarah find out.  As the pair enters the bedroom a clear shot of Katie’s face is present and the video cuts off.  A second alert occurs with a message, ‘admit you cheated on Sarah with Katie, Jake.  Or the full video gets posted’.  The video call is silent and the user joins the call awaiting the truth.  Sarah is upset and shouting, “How could you both, with each other? My best friend, Jake. I was at that party with you all as well. Noah did you know”.  Noah was unaware that this happened and both Katie and Jake deny cheating, however, Katie knows that he is capable of cheating as he did so on his ex-girlfriend with her.  The anonymous user gives Jake a 5 second countdown to admit but doesn’t do so.  The video is then posted on social media for their classmates to see, this time an extended copy with full proof.  Sarah stays in the chat but disappears from the screen and is no longer speaking to Jake and Katie while Katie is in tears in the video call due to guilt.

Katie, Jake and Noah are still in the video call.  Katie is still upset and is shouting at Jake, “You said she wouldn’t find out!”  Noah interrupts, “Guys, calm down.  She’ll get over it”.  Jake states that Sarah is to stubborn to get over this.  A doorbell rings; Jakes head turns to hear a female voice talking to his mother.  Sarah angrily charges through his bedroom door, she stands over him shouting.  Realising that Katie and Noah are still on the video call she slams the laptop shut and slaps him.  Sarah leaves the room and Jake follows.  She walks out the house and down the path until Jake stops her and Noah and Katie arrive.  Noah and Jake try and calm Sarah down while she and Katie are arguing.  Noah slips up claims that everything that had happened was all meant to be a joke.  Sarah, only partially listening to what he said as she was still shouting at Katie, she shockingly questions Noah again.  He then admits he knew about the cheating but didn’t know how to tell her, he also intends that he knew about the video, not making it obvious that he was the one that took the video.  She then takes in Noah’s hints to find that he was the one who took the video of Jake and Katie.  Its then silent and Sarah feels alone and betrayed by who she thought was her friends.

Silence breaks between the group and Katie begins to talk and says something familiar to what the anonymous user in the chat, “If no one talks in the next 10 seconds I’m going, this is pathetic.”  Sarah then focuses on what Katie said as the anonymous user said the same by giving Jake a countdown to admit he’s cheating.  Sarah’s suspicion gradually grows of Katie to then cause her to run back into Jakes house and into his room to his laptop.  Sarah scrolls through the chat to find the message from the anonymous user and finds a similarity to what she had recently said outside. Katie, Jake and Noah both run upstairs to find Sarah on Jakes laptop.  Sarah turn to them stood in the doorway and says “It’s you isn’t it?” aimed at Katie.  Katie tries to deny it’s her and questions why she would post stuff about herself.  Sarah slowly walks to her with her arms crossed and accuses her of being the anonymous user which makes her feel uncomfortable and she looks down at the floor.  Katie is still denying while Sarah keeps asking how why she did it.  Sarah attempts to get the truth out of her by accusing her of making up that she is bulimic to cover up that it’s actually her. Sarah then guilt trips the truth out of Katie by stating that Katie made her feel sorry for her just because she has a ‘dirty little secret’.  Katie then gives in to the lie and states that she does it because she’s jealous of Sarah because she’s the popular one and feels as if she’s in her shadow.  She’s jealous that she has a boyfriend and that it’s Jake because she wants to be with him.

From here on Sarah, Jake, Katie and Noah are no longer a group.  Noah and Jake are still good friends and Katie and Noah have minimal contact no and again.  Jake still tries to resolve the issues between Sarah and him in hope that they can get back together and forget about Katie who he tries to avoid.  As for Sarah and Katie, they have not spoken since that day and Sarah has deleted Katie off all types of social media.