Saturday 25 February 2017

Animatic - film trailer influences

'Unfriended' film trailer 

From this film trailer, as a group, we agreed that we liked the opening to it. I felt as though the montage of the clips of memories at the beginning of the trailer made the film trailer have a lot of  meaning as we have witnessed the friendship group's sentimental, happy memories. This was similar to our own film plot as our characters ultimately fall out and become 'disconnected'. Therefore, we felt we had to incorporate this into our animatic by taking over the shoulder shot's of our character browsing through her old photo's of what was once her friendship group.

Unfriended was the film of which I liked the heavy use of digital technology and the group video chat. This is again something I wanted to include into our own film trailer as it's original and contrasts with other films of the same genre, which is something that captures more people's attention. I also wanted to include a variety of social media chats within the trailer as it is something our target audience will find attractive within the film trailer.

Most of my ideas put into the animatic was based off the film trailer 'Nerve'

Even though 'Nerve' was a different genre of film, I still wanted to include similar diegetic sounds of the soundtrack as I felt it was appealing to our target audience. The soundtrack that I discovered on YouTube free music was called 'Sunshine' and I used this over the start of the animatic to highlight the happy memories. 

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