Saturday 28 January 2017

Billing Block - Updated

I've made further changes to my billing block. These changes include compressing the text so that it looks a lot more professional. This was difficult for me to do due to the software I was using for the draft billing block. However, after researching into what software works best for creating billing blocks, I found that 'InDesign' was a software used a lot. Using this software allowed me to create individual text boxes containing two rows of text and lining it up with each name in a larger font.
This was something that I struggled trying to create in a 'Word' document or 'Photoshop'.

I am content with my billing block, however, I am still wanting to include our Film production logo and copyright symbols to make it look a lot more realistic.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Understanding Target Audience - Questionnaire

In order to create a trailer as successful for our target audience as possible, it is important to understand the audience's interests. It is important to identify the target market as it helps us to create and develop effective target marking for our poster, film trailer and magazine front cover, combined with communication strategies. 

Billing Block Draft

This is the first draft of the billing block that I have created. I looked at other billing blocks online so that I knew what to consider and include when making my first attempt. Looking at billing blocks online, I saw that the text was written in capital letters but names in a much larger font. From this, I began researching into what font styles are commonly used for billing blocks. A font that was available on 'Word' was 'Agency FB'. This font style creates a more bold,
block affect which I was looking for. I also liked

the colours black and white as it's conventional of a billing block and I thought it broug

ht the writing out a lot more. I feel it will suit the film trailer.

One thing I noticed on a lot of billing block examples was 'COMING SOON'. This was something I felt looked very professional. However, for my own, I knew our film trailer was about friends in sixth form so therefore, set it during spring time.
Another feature I didn't notice beforehand was the films website featured at the bottom of the billing block. This again was something I thought would look conventional of a billing block so I included my own also. I came up with the website ''. But, I did notice a lot all films have their own film production so I am looking to name our very own film production.

Targets for next draft:

  • Try to compress the font to make it more professional.
  • Make the space in between each line smaller.
  • Include my groups film production.
  • Add symbols e.g. copyright.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

First shoot - Animatic

Shoot - 17/01/17

Location: Bedroom
Actors:     Sarah - Played by Mya Jones

During the first shoot, we took the following shots:

  • Shot 2
  • Shot 3
  • Shot 7
  • Shot 26
Shot 2, 3 and 7 took one take each. 
Shot 26 took two takes.

For our first shoot, we were trying to get used to camera angles and lighting. Unlike year 12, we had to think of the location too, making sure everything was put in place. Overall, the shoot went well, however, we are going to take
shot 2 again as we didn't think the lighting was very effective.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

First Draft - Film Poster

This is my first draft of my film poster. I have decided to keep it simple, only featuring the profiles of the friendship group from the storyboard and animatic. I aim to have a black background, similar to the 'Unfriended' film poster. I also will include a billing block at the bottom of the page, featuring social media accounts which is relevant to my target audience's interests.
I have decided to use the tag-line 'Friends or Frenemies?' because I feel it relates to my target audience which are 70% female and are on average, ages 17-18 years old who often have conflicts with their friendship groups. 'Accept' and 'Decline' are the style of the Facebook friend request option buttons 'Confirm' and 'Delete'. I want to use the similar format of the Facebook option buttons because  it reminds the reader that it is social media based.

I have included the name of the film '#disconnected' at the top of the page as it is the point of focus that catches the eye of the reader. The word 'connect' is going to be in Facebook blue to highlight, again, that the film is social media based. The word 'connect' is going to be in italics however, as it represents what Facebook and social media aims to do, connect the world as a form of globalisation. However, in this film it ironically does the opposite, disconnecting the friendship group. The rest of the word will be in white to stand out against the block black background.

I hope to complete the finished version of the poster on InDesign.